Wireless Soil Temperature Probe - Agricultural Insights
Soil temperature is absolutely critical to the growth and health of your garden. The THERM200 tells you when to plow and to plant. They can be used in greenhouses to monitor temperature and make sure that your plants aren't getting too hot. Failure to monitor and protect your plants from temperature extremes can result in stunted and frost-bitten plants. They can tell you when the ground has thawed in the spring, so that you can dig, and put in fence posts, or lay foundations.
The germination temperature of plants is critical. The ideal temperature for germination of most plants is 21°C (70°F). Without monitoring your temperature, it's easy for your seeds to get either too hot or too cold preventing your seeds from germinating.
- Low-cost.
- No need to calibrate.
- Rugged design for long-term use.
- Small size.
- Consumes less than 3mA for very low power operation.
- Precise measurement.
- Output Voltage is linear to temperature.
- No complex Steinhart-Hart equations are needed to convert voltage to temperature.
- Wide supply voltage range.
- Can be buried and is waterproof.
- Probe is long and slender for wider use, including smaller potted plants.
All Sensors work with our Wireless Sensor Node, STS-Node allowing for easy connection to our IoT Platform.